The meeting was called to order at 7pm. Present were: Robert Duchemin, Jan Booher, and Linda Harmon.

Remaining Active Projects required for certification were discussed:

  1. Fair Trade Sales: Linda and Robert stated that approximate income in April and early May from chocolate and coffee fair trade items was approximately $82 net. There is potential for an additional $100 by liquidating on hand inventory.They are ordering more with the profits. It may take 2 or 3 orders before it’s self-sustaining.
  2. Environmental Justice EPA Grant: The neighborhood canvass has begun in Pearl City, and tabling events have begun in Delray Beach. The website will be live by the end of May. Seyril Siegel and Grisell Martinez translated the Oral History Consent Form and Oral History Protocol into Spanish. That means that all of the Outreach Materials that are going out into the communities are available in English, Spanish, and Creole. The Interim Report was submitted to the EPA May 1, 2016. Project Manager Dr. Ana Pushkin-Chevlin took the Officer of Sustainability position for the City of Delray Beach. Dr. Debra Weiss-Randall, EdD, CHESS has been hired to fill the vacant position, with approval from EPA Region.
  3. Green Sanctuary Summer Service: A Green Path to Walk our Talk Summer Service will focus on the Environmental Justice project. We will invite members of the 2 communities to speak. August 7th is the date for our service. Linda will research music and readings
  4. Carpet Project Phase II: Soliciting Bids and Funding: Sondra Solki will ask carpet installers to give bids on May 19th. Jan will send a few sample numbers to Sondra with the understanding that we are not decided on the carpet we want, and would be interested in seeing what they would recommend. Robert, Linda and Jan can probably attend on May 19th.
  5. Illuminate Your Spirit…Light up Our Lives (Addresses climate change)-in process
  6. Recycling Awareness-in process
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm