The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm. Present were: Linda Harmon, Robert Duchemin, Seyril Siegel, Jan Booher, Bill Bode

  1. Carpet: Robert reports that he asked the Board if the Green Sanctuary Committee could raise money for replacing the carpet in Osias, and they passed a motion gave permission to raise up $8,000 for the project. Jan will draft a grant proposal and share with Robert for editing. Linda will research carpet cleaning companies. The Committee agrees that about 2 years of maintenance and 10% additional carpet tiles should be included in projections. All LEED documentation and pricing information should be attached. Summary sheet with the pricing on all 3 bids should be attached (company and pricing). We will ask for $4,000 from the Endowment Committee and will raise the balance from the congregation.
  2. Service: Order of Service was approved and Jan will email it to Gail Larkin after Robert confirms that the Malaney’s will be singing Family. Jan will bring the Powerpoint on a thumb drive. Bill Bode will ask Charlie Cormier if he will set up the computer for the Powerpoint.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.