Rev. Kathy Tew Rickey preaches from the pulpit

Upcoming Worship Services

at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

Please join us for one of our Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. The service is also live streamed on Zoom.

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May 5 at 10:00 AM ET
Calling the Quarters–NORTH: Dr. Mary Edwards Walker” with the BR Ace of CUUPs Pagan Study Group
May Day is for dancing around maypoles in honor of the fertility of the Earth made possible by the increased warmth of the Sun. This Beltane, in calling the quarters, we attribute to the North the amazing achievements of
Doctor Mary Edwards Walker, the Civil War era surgeon, suspected spy, prisoner of war, a free-thinker, and an advocate for women’s rights and dress reform. She is the only woman to be awarded the Medal of Honor.
Maypole and dancers Mira Shoshanah getting ready for Maypole festivities.
May 12 at 10:30 AM ET
The Prophetic Sisterhood: A Forgotten Era of Our Faith Tradition
From 1880 – 1930, some 20 women served as ministers in our faith, bringing to pulpits their concerns for suffrage, social reforms, and a peace movement. This important era in UU history has been too easily forgotten. Rev. Kathy will hold up few of their stories of courage, determination, ministries of care, and their struggles with the religious institution that weren’t ready for the unique feminine approach to ministry they pioneered.
May 19 at 10:30 AM ET
Annual Flower Communion Service: For What Did Norbert Capek Give His Life?
For what did Norbert Capek die? Was it his Unitarian faith and the freedom to practice that faith in community with others? Or was it the individual right to choose, as a matter of conscience, what faith to join in, what beliefs and/or values to hold?
May 26 at 10:30 AM ET
Memorial Day


UUnique Traditions and Holidays

Click here to learn about the traditions and holidays that many Universalist congregations celebrate that are unique to our faith, such as the Water Communion and the Flower Communion — ceremonies that celebrate Unitarian Universalism and the importance of each individual’s unique contributions to that community.