The meeting began at 7pm. Present were Robert Duchemin and Jan Booher.

Jan reported on her conversation with Ari Siegel regarding the post-Irma playground restoration project. The priorities of the project were: a cleaner look, low maintenance, and less dirt for the kids, because it was a sandy surface. Mulch was inexpensive, but high maintenance. Gravel was expensive, but difficult to maintain, and not soft for the kids. They were exploring rubber mulch, when artificial turf was donated at a discount. Although it is not made from recycled materials, portions of it are recyclable. Possible additional improvements moving forward are: replacement of the shade tarp with a new structure, because the frame was repaired and not replaced after the hurricane; and general low maintenance landscaping around the turf area where it’s weedy, sandy and dirty. The project cost approximately $4,000, and involved 15 volunteers in about 3 hours of clean-up, in addition to the researching, planning and procurement of materials.

There was a brief discussion of the merits of supporting the Board’s efforts on air quality by asking how the GSC can support their efforts that was tabled until we have a meeting that more can attend.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 10, 2018.