The Green Sanctuary Team was called to order at 7pm. Present were Robert Duchemin and Jan Booher.

The status of each of the Green Sanctuary Action Plan Items was discussed.

Environmental Justice Project (1 required, please feel free to use your checklist or tracking page in process

Replicable and Scalable Climate Change Adaptation in Two Low Income Communities is well underway. The Pearl City Community is working with Habitat for Humanity on a Block Captain system to distribute the information about health issues that will be exacerbated by climate change, and both communities are working on translation and education.

Worship and Celebration

(3 required. One should be related to environmental justice. Show how the projects are relevant to the different age groups present in your congregation. One should be ongoing for the foreseeable future.)

  1. Project Description: The HIGHWATERLINE Delray Beach Project  – completed
  2. Green Sanctuary Summer Service: A Green Path to Walk our Talk – not started
  3. Gratitude for Coffee and Chocolate Service followed by Green Sanctuary Coffee Hour – in process– proposed date April 10th. Jan will begin to assemble music and other relevant materials. We will begin an email thread to coordinate content.


Religious Education Projects (3 required. Show how they are relevant to the different age groups present in your congregation. One should be related to environmental justice. One should be ongoing for the foreseeable future.)

  1. Second Hour Class for Adults and teen-agers: Strengthening Bridges to Vulnerable Communities (The EPA Grant-Related to Environmental Justice)- This is named “Using Our Power to Make a Difference in the Struggle to Heal Racism-completed Scheduled March 20th
  2. RE Annual Green New Years Resolutions in RE classes for children.- completed for 2016 and continuing into the future
  3. Florida Earth Festival Associated Education for Young People Assessment Girl Scout programming on Energy, Air and Water with Journeys that can be completed in a day. Members of our congregation and teachers and facilitators we invite from the community will provide classes and workshops during Florida Earth Festival in our classrooms. Timeline for Completion: in process April 23, 2016


Sustainable Living (4 required, at least 1 must address climate change. At least 1 must reflect on and if possible address a result from the congregational environmental justice assessment. One must be ongoing into the foreseeable future. )

  1. Osias Hall Carpet Replacement (Addresses climate change)
    Assessment Result you are addressing: The carpeting in the main building is in need of replacement, particularly in Osias Hall. Members complain of a moldy smell from the carpet, the ineffectiveness of cleaning it, and the extent of staining.
    Timeline for Completion:
    Phase I: (September of 2015-November 2015) Information Gathering
    This project will begin with a table in Osias Hall outside of the Sanctuary every Sunday. Members will be asked what they would like as a flooring alternative. The green and functional aspects of flooring alternatives will be researched and then discussed at the table. completed
    Phase II: (December 2015-January 2016) Soliciting Bids and Funding: An application for a grant from the Endowment Committee will be submitted, and sales of Fair Exchange Coffee and Chocolates will be offered in Osias Hall before and after Sunday services to raise money. in process
  2. Illuminate Your Spirit…Light up Our Lives (Addresses climate change)-in process
  3. Equal Exchange Coffee and chocolates will be sold at the Green Sanctuary table on Osias Hall. There will be information about the labor and agricultural practices that created the products.-in process–Robert is willing to staff Sunday sales if Linda orders the items for sale
  4. Recycling Awareness-in process–Seyril delivered more recycling bins. Le Petit Prince Academy had a unit on recycling, and they used materials (including stickers) that Seyril gave to the school.


Floridians for Solar Choice petitions. We have submitted 55 valid petitions. We will be hosting a table at All Peoples Diversity Day Festival, and can continue to have petitions signed in Osias on Sundays. Jan will email Robert paperwork to process.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm