Animal, Vegetable or Mineral

10:30am Service by The Reverend Harris Riordan (As always, there is childcare for the little ones)   Also this Sunday: Auction items will be open for bidding both before and after service! 9:00am Forum Discussion Group 10:45am RE (Religious Education) Classes...

The Injustices that Fuel Racism in America

10:30am Service by John Smith, Candidate for UU Ministry (As always, there is childcare for the little ones)   Also this Sunday: Auction items will be open for bidding both before and after service! 9:00am Forum Discussion Group 10:45am RE (Religious Education)...

Stumbling on the Path to Becoming a White Ally

10:30am Service by Reverend Harris Riordan (As always, there is childcare for the little ones) Also this Sunday: 9:00am Forum Discussion Group 10:45am RE (Religious Education) Classes Noon RE (Religious Education Council Meeting 6:30pm Odyssey Upcoming Services &...